Men's Mental Health Series
Join us as we explore the mental health journey of five Canadian Men

My mental health journey has been silent and sporadic. Silent because during my walks of life, I've always felt the word mental health was stigmatized. Especially in the environments I grew up in. Mental health became synonymous with words like weak, failing, sick or soft. Hear more about Shaq's mental health journey by clicking the download button above.

My mental health journey has been hard work. I chose these words together with excitement and as a guiding light for my journey. The effort that is required to maintain my mental health is not something that comes naturally. My mental health journey is something that requires daily reminders and a dedicated effort. Hear more about D's mental health journey by clicking on the download button above.

My mental health journey has been Queer and privileged. When I think about my mental health journey my queerness and privilege really stick out. My queerness sticks out in particular because, from a young age, i assumed I was different than other people. I don't know if I explicitly knew I was part of the 2SLGBTQAI+ community or that I would consider myself queer, but I knew that the dominant norms around me didn't reflect the life and experience I was hoping for me. Learn more about Tyler's mental health journey by clicking on the download button above.

The words that describe my mental health journey are patience and confidence. These two words have always been interconnected in my journey through life. When I approach a situation with patience; I tend to have a better experience, have more fun, realize greater success and build more confidence. Hear more about Ken's mental health journey by clicking on the download button above.

The words that describe my mental health journey are regret and learn. When i was diagnosed with depression at age 19, a lot was going on in my life. This was a time when I had to make significant decisions about some relationships in my life. Without knowing it at the time, my mood disorder influenced the choices I was making, and I made some that were not in my own best interest. Hear more about Jordan's mental health journey by clicking the download button above.